Sunday, August 12, 2012


Friday 26th 2012 is an historical day in Montreal and will now be an holiday in Québec.  After the Expos got killed by Rick Monday in 1981, after the MLB screw Montreal Expos with a stupid strike in 1994.  The new franchise, the Montreal Bandits in the newly best baseball league in North America won the first championship of the Adult Baseball League, bringing home the first Baseball Championship in Montreal.

Fans were crazy in and around the Labatt Bleue Park.  Tom Becker and Raul Perez are now more popular then any Hockey players in Montreal, even though, the Montreal Canadiens start their season, the only discussion subject in Town is BASEBALL.

To do so, the Bandits got in the playoff with the wild card spot with a record of 95-67, then they beat the Seattle Sasquatch in 6 games in the first round.  In the RCL Championship, the Bandits got the best of the Dallas Texans in 6 games. 

Finally, they won the World Series against their best enemy the Las Vegas Jokers and the richest owner Rene Angelil, a quebecer, husband and manager of Celine Dion, who decided to invest in Vegas, instead of Montreal.  Beating the Jokers in 4 games, was a nice revenge, mentioned the owner Rodger Brulotte, all smiles.  

Brulotte thanks all the Montreal fans for their support, especially at home where the team played just outstanding.  He also gave huge credit to the coaching staff, and Dave Harris the 44 years old Manager, who got some criticism at the beginning.  Reporters were saying that he didn't have enough skills and experience to bring the Championship home.   But Harris was instrumental in managing his team.

Brulotte thanks all the players for their effort, these guys after the lost of Gordon Thornton in May got together and decided to go and play as hard as they can.  They were just amazing in September and October.  Every players participated in the success of the Bandits.  We are the ABL Champions. 

Christian Latulippe
ABL World Series Champs 2012